I renew my bond,
with the abyss,
'twas always there,
never oblivious,
me or not me,
you or not you,
it runs unknown,
like wind through breath,
me an automaton,
running away,
from voids to voids.
anaesthetic sublime,
and transcendent,
it seeks me,
and I let it come,
slowly submerging,
my eyes my mind,
my dreams my love,
silences reverberate,
in a beatific smile.
the silk prints,
the butterfly wings,
the recesses of my brain,
your touch and gaze,
my joy and elan,
tumults and travail,
echo through,
a distant membrane.
unknowingly I waited,
for this deliverance,
more profound than death,
more subtle than soul,
an imploding melt,
my world and me,
spiral and float,
permeating with the yearn,
to be nothing again.
shorn of me,
I freely breathe,
and cut the strings,
of the parachute,
abeyance envelopes,
particles of me,
a nebulous cloud,
beyond the arrow of time.
who are you,
and who am I,
sticky chunks,
coalescing ,
meaning, purpose,
desire and dreams,
conspiring glue,
to keep afloat.
go beyond the design,
dissolve dissolve,
in transparent mist,
nothing yonder,
and nothing behind,
on a journey,
to amaranthine now...