Chemicals in my brain.

Entropy is a fundamental property of matter, the arrows of time and disorder point in the same direction, irreversibly. Evolution, a sieve, rushes against this current, organizing matter on its way. Chemical properties, up from valencies, to propensity towards bonding reach a level of criticality, and then, flip..the game changes; physics has passed into chemistry and chemistry into organic chemistry; in this evolutionary ladder all but carbon derivatives have been eliminated. Then this organizing principle of increasing complexity if not order again reaches criticality, or a boundary condition and catapults into the next orbit of biology. Now biology is a bureaucracy of processes, with chemical processes independently running as subroutines of the larger picture--life.
Awareness, self awareness, intellect forms a continuum from reflexes to reflections, and tropisms in plants to meta awareness of humans.
My brain is a bunch of synapses, all my thoughts, beliefs, ideas and ideals...are chemical patterns, the synaptic connections served by the neurotransmitters are the blips, the bits and the bytes of my being.
So religion may form an exemplar of a pattern of connections; if an MRI image of all people praying at a temple/church/mosque be taken, it would definitely show commonalities.The real, unreal and the surreal all reside in these patterns.
Entropy only chips away at base level processes and reactions, but the being survives as a statistical mean over time, a sort of conduit through which matter flows, identity of individual pieces of matter is immaterial, now I drink the water, now it has become part of me, now it has been shed as a tear, me remains me.
Entropy has helped evolution to create consciousness, through the propensity of matter to combine in constrained ways.The attempt of consciousness to fascemilize reality is indeed imperfect, but reliable. All categories of understanding derive from already known entities, features are added to chemical models made of synapses in brain.Thus available reality is contingent upon my senses to be transmogrified into an emergent-organic network of chemical paths.My sanity is a byproduct of accuracy of this very process; ironically when it goes wrong, it denies correction through self awareness, entropy catches up..


sanjay singh said…
Lovely article. But evolution just seems to reverse the entropy law (creating order out of disorder). It creates order at a huge entropy cost to the world as a whole.

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