Meaning of mEaNInG

, what do i mean by it, I grapple with the unfamiliarity, hack it into chewable morsels, smoothen out its creases, trim it to fit my 'box', bind it to a train of thoughts, anticipate its flow, predict its moods, stamp it in my memory, stack it in a taxonomy, imagine its a kin, diffract its differences into known colours, barcode it, and finally it also becomes a template for further understanding.
All meaning is a map, and symbols are mine, I paint my world, in my own hues; if you share the same dictionary, we see similar things. What is a program for Linux is garbage to Windows; and vice-versa. Any 'language', the stimulus must be creating similar structures across brains, perception at molecular level must be fundamentally similar, being of different tongues, we cannot understand each other. Structures/patterns lie out there, the mind is attuned to 'reflect' and preserve them, linking them, assimilating them into an internal mirror world. The mind as it 'means'(the process of meaning), or goes along meaning, gets altered by its own building blocks - the concepts; i.e. stored meanings constitute the mind in an evolutionary paradigm.
All meaning is a contingency, or all meanings are contingent, they fulfill a need, the need for a map, for a flashlight, for a lodestone. Its utility is in correspondence with reality; this correspondence is a very tricky phenomenon, if reality does not fit my mold, I'll distort it, as my mind hardens into permanent synapses, I replace them for external world. Anyway my contact with the world is through chemical structures in my brain, and an agency of the mind itself keeps doing the reality check; this is the immune system of logic, if this breaks down, a floodgate of distortions right from delusions, to religious fundamentalism, to obsessions ensues. Meaning in this sense is closely associated with the truth value of any proposition.
Language is actually inessential but indispensable, for want of a better means, literally! it is essentially like a compression format, say mp3 or oggvorbis, the 'same' song can be preserved in different formats; play it and it's the same. Thus chemically meanings may reside as similar structures in the brain, mediated by language; ironically language also affects/distorts meaning formation as it is an incomplete measure, it 'mass-produces' and disindividuates individual encryptions, i.e. what we ultimately mean is also affected by the language we speak or think in, apart from the inherent characteristics of the 'thing itself'. Thus the mind has an organizing tendency which makes 'sense' of infinite material around it, after affecting even the choice of what is to be considered significant for the process of meaning to begin.
So then meaning is outside us or inside us, or nowhere, or just in the relationship of inside-outside? It seems that the mind imparts structure to the flow of data, seen Rorschach inkblot tests in psychology, or ever 'made' shapes in clouds? you see what your mind designs; so meaning is only inside us? in the chemical meta-processes which evolve on random-deterministic paths, or is it essentially just in the relation of brain/mind to the world that all the meaning arises and is dead and sterile without this context/background? a computer program is irrelevant outside a computer, a work of art dead without a perceiver, so is this context the only medium and justification, the only rationale of existence of meaning? or is it that a lot and lot lies outside our field of experience or existence like light in the non visible spectrum or sound beyond audible ranges, its only our mind that reflects the world in its distorted mirror and construes it as reality? What a lump of sugar is to me is not the same to a housefly, nor to the bacteria; so I mean to mean what I mean, but what does it mean?
Used T9 on mobile phone keypads? it predicts words as you type, based on a dictionary in the background, this technology exhibits that predictive meta structures can be built-in inside the system and they can be made to learn with interaction, even in inanimate environments. The human mind is an exhibit of the fundamental property of all living matter: of organizing into self evolving agglutinations, self preserving, replicating, and taking a quantum jump of levels of organization at certain thresholds; thus molecules formed carbon compounds, then amino acids, then proteins, then nucleic acids/organelles to cells, to multicellular organisms to reproduction to speciation to trophic levels to community living to colonies to societies to language-culture-technology-philosophy...
The mind does the same, organizes the internal world based on the meta principles inherent in it; catches patterns of energy or mass, filters them, correlates them, passes them through the quality control of logic, extrapolates and interpolates, familiarizes them, transfixes an echo-ic memory of the transient into a snapshot, weights them tests them, names them, plants them, uses/reuses and moulds them in a complex dynamic interplay of competing internal and external worlds.


Psmith said…
Brilliant !
The insights into 'meaning' and 'mind' were illuminating. I especially liked the part about logic being the 'gatekeeper'.....keeping absurdity (whatever that means) out
Psmith said…
And I really liked the paintings that go with your posts......where are they from ?

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