Who is me?
In a quantum of what we call time, at different instances you, me and everybody else was in two pieces, one swimming toward the other on an automated path, and after a chemical/biological reaction the preliminary you/me came in existence. Then passing through blastulla, morulla and other stages of foetal development, which mimic evolution and origin of life on earth in a strange way, as they say, 'ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny', guided by a developmental program, still retaining some aberrations/individuality, was created the ubiquitous 'ME'.
ME (or you, for that matter) then started adding to itself matter from its surrounding, still it was me, and in the bargain it also lost matter, but remained 'me'. The original matter in me was rapidly replaced to a large extent, but simultaneously a centrality was emerging, this was of ideas, emotions, thoughts etc, a kind of identity; this also kept on changing, but was as if self aware of the changes, so could account for them and coalesce/re-gel with itself. It grew in complexity in terms of number, nature and levels of interconnections and interactions with the environment and self. So a code was unfolding, in both predictable and unpredictable ways; changes on the concrete stratum were reflected, transposed and moored at the stratum/level/layer of consciousness, seemingly in an independent manner(?). ME continued to be the mean/median/mode of all this.
Consciousness like a kite, had its string in the hands of the DNA, but was still free to maneuver and soar high.
So who is ME (or YOU), akin to a wave in matter; where identity remains despite change in constituent materials. ME passes through matter in time, matter/substance comes to it and goes away from it, like shed skin, cut hair, clipped nails, excreta etc. The water it takes becomes a part of life, when urinated or evaporated as sweat, it is inanimate again. Once the code (DNA) unfolds ME, me stands like a static wave, unaffected by the transit of matter through it. It's meta component, so as to say, the consciousness, almost goes independent.
Now there's one common factor uniting matter and 'spirit'/consciousness, and that's a kind of inertia or tenacity or viscosity, which resists change and is simultaneously very accommodative; like the colour of my skin or my political views or my value system or my immune response. They all have a centrality which simultaneously and paradoxically is rigid as well as malleable, it also helps maintain consistence and balance amongst its various sub/supra components, thus it fights hard to maintain ME as ME, and simultaneously evolves/accommodates/grows.
The criticality of individuation, built into the probabilistic vagaries of the code, sucks matter in its vortex, creates a meta structure of consciousness, this complex interacts with the social/physical/temporal world(environment), and so passes ME, a wave through matter, time and space, on a 'predestined' but unknown path.....
to be lost forever........